Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer Update

Wow, has this summer flown by! I know, that's a sad excuse for not writing for so long, but it's true. Summer 2013 is almost over. :( It's sad, but I'm excited for this coming fall as well. 

At the beginning of summer, I created my now-annual Summer Bucket List. I create a new one each year. This year, I have been able to complete several things off my list, and I'm very excited about that. Just a few of these things are:

--Go to the zoo

--Sleep in a tent

--Do a photo-shoot


--Get my breath taken away
--Learn a song on the piano

--Read (LOTS!!!)

--Submit a poem to a magazine

--Write a letter to someone random

--Talk to someone I haven't in a while

--Get dirty doing something

--Have a bonfire

--Eat s'mores!

These were just a few of the things that I was able to complete, and I am very excited about that. I honestly completed more than I ever thought that I'd be able to. I didn't get everything done, but in my personal evaluation, I didn't do too badly. ;) And some of the things that I didn't accomplish in the summer, I'm going to add to my Fall Bucket List. That's right, folks, we're going seasonal! 

What about all of you? Did you have a summer bucket list? If so, how did it go? What did you do? Please comment; Lavender Soda would love to hear from you! Thanks for reading!

 Lacey and Summer

Taylor and Me (Andy)

P.S. Check out our friend blogger Taylor at!